Shareholder Services

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Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited

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Brisbane QLD 4000

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Melbourne VIC 3001


(Within Australia) 1300 850 505

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Visit the Computershare website for information, or for all enquiries relating to your shareholding, please click here to contact Computershare.


Dividend Reinvestment Plan

The DRP provides shareholders with a registered address in Australia and New Zealand (Eligible Shareholders) to reinvest all or part of their dividends into additional fully paid Collins Foods shares.

The DRP will be in operation for any dividends that may be declared by the Collins Foods Board. Eligible Shareholders that wish to participate in the DRP must elect to do so by making an election online at by no later than the DRP Election date advised in the Financial Calendar for the relevant dividend that may be declared.

In accordance with the DRP rules, the Board has determined that DRP shares will be allocated at the average of the daily volume weighted average price of shares trade on ASX during the 10 trading days commencing on the second trading day after the record date to determine entitlements to that dividend or other period determined by the Board in its absolute discretion (with no discount).

Under the DRP, Eligible Shareholders may elect to reinvest all or part of their dividend payments into additional fully paid Collins Foods shares. No brokerage, commission or other transaction costs will be payable by shareholders on the shares allocated under the DRP. Shareholders may participate with all or part of their shareholding.

Shares allocated under the DRP will rank equally with existing fully paid shares on issue. Statements will be provided for each dividend the DRP applies to.

Participation elections received after the nominated deadline will apply for future dividend payments. Once a shareholder elects to participate, the DRP will continue to apply for future dividend payments unless an Eligible Shareholder advises otherwise or unless the DRP is suspended or terminated by the Board in its absolute discretion.

Collins Foods recommends that you seek your own independent financial and taxation advice about the consequences of your participation in the DRP.

The timetable applicable to the DRP on any declaration may be reviewed on the Financial Calendar section of the webpage.

Event Date
Dividend announcement Tuesday, 28 June 2022
Dividend record date Monday, 11 July 2022
DRP election date Tuesday, 12 July 2022
Final Dividend DRP Pricing Period Wednesday, 13 July 2022 to
Tuesday, 26 July 2022
Dividend payment date Monday, 1 August 2022
DRP issue date Monday, 1 August 2022
Interim dividend announcement Tuesday, 29 November 2022
DRP election date Wednesday, 7 December 2022
Interim Dividend DRP Pricing Period Thursday, 8 December 2022 to
Wednesday, 21 December 2022
DRP issue date Thursday, 29 December 2022